


The best field trip ever! Immerse your students and rangatahi in one of the three programme options below to connect, inspire and empower them to live in and with our moana. For our longer programmes (1.5hr, half-day, and full-day), choose from a range of experimental, lab-based, and/or field-based workshops. 

Workshop options: 

  • Biodiversity blitz & Species ID 
  • Rocky shore intertidal & Species adaptations 
  • Plastic pollution and Microsplastics 
  • Underwater soundscapes
  • Ocean Acidification 

Please get in touch if there are any specific topics or themes not mentioned above that are covered in class that you would like to incorporate- we will do our best to make it work. 

NB: The prices outlined are for school and kura groups in Aotearoa, New Zealand- if you are an international school, community or university group, please highlight that in the booking form below.

15-20min introductory presentation covering:

  • Marine protected areas
  • History and current research at the Institute of Marine Science
  • Current Research can be tailored to suit themes and topics being taught at school/kura, please let us know when booking.

15mins big-eye microscope activity:

  • Form and function of echinoderms; seastar & kina 

15mins Exploration Tank and aquaria:

  • Rocky shore biodiversity

15mins scavenger hunt or self-exploration around the Centre  

For up to 20 students $8/student and for more than 20 students, $7/student; no charge for parents and teachers! 

In addition to the introductory presentation and interactive activities above, includes a 30min field or lab-based workshop.  

  • Lab-based workshop: choose from topics like biodiversity, microplastics, ocean acidification, zonation/adaptations, or get in touch for something more tailored and specific.  
  • Field-based workshop: depending on student age and year group. Choose from coastal and rocky shore scavenger hunts, marine m2, allometry, and photogrammetry on the rocky shore (tide dependent).  

For up to 20 students $12/student and for more than 20 students, $10/student; no charge for parents and teachers!  

Includes 2-3 workshop components, both lab and field-based, on various topics.    

For up to 20 students $20/student and for more than 20 students, $18/student; no charge for parents and teachers! 

Includes 3-4 workshop components, both lab and field-based, as well as student led experiments on various topics. 

For up to 20 students $45/student and for more than 20 students, $40/student; no charge for parents and teachers!


Tailored Experience

From triple fins to spikey invertebrates, come meet our current incredible marine residents from around our local shoreline in Leigh. Get your hands wet and stoke levels high!

Get in touch if you’d like one of our experienced staff to guide you through the Centre and exhibits for a fin-tastic visit.  


Holiday Programmes

Every school holidays, we run hand-on, fun-filled holiday programmes with our friends at Young Ocean Explorers for all 8-12 year old ocean lovers and budding marine scientists in your life! **Spaces are always limited so get in quick by sending us an email or registering on the YOE website.**

We are also very excited to be putting together a brand new Discovery Centre rimuriumu/seaweeds workshop. This will be an epic summer time event so make sure to register your interest and we’ll get in touch with more details. 

Book your next group trip!